
Create certificates instantly! Upload templates, add names, and customize with ease.

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CertiMate is your go-to online tool for hassle-free certificate creation! Easily upload your template, participant names in CSV/text format, and specify coordinates for personalized design. Our advanced merging technology ensures seamless integration, while convenient zip downloads simplify distribution. Experience efficiency with a user-friendly interface—CertiMate redefines certificate creation, making it a breeze for both seasoned designers and first-time users. Innovation meets simplicity for a streamlined and sophisticated certificate generation process!


Our Beloved Users
CertiMate is your dedicated ally for streamlined certificate creation, saving you valuable time and effort. Users simply upload their template, mark print coordinates, and swiftly customize fonts. Whether importing data from CSV files or manual entry, CertiMate's user-friendly interface ensures quick and easy customization.A single click on 'continue' sets CertiMate in motion, processing information rapidly. A sneak peek of a certificate with a randomly selected name appears promptly. Below the preview, the coveted zip file download button materializes, allowing users to effortlessly collect their batch of certificates.Tailored for optimal performance on PCs, CertiMate ensures a seamless, efficient experience. Unlock the power of time-saving certificate creation with CertiMate – where every click counts."